Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • Medical Staff – Hospital Alignment


    I’ve been on staff and practicing at Desert Regional Medical Center for almost 20 years. During that time I have taken ED call for General Surgery and for half of that time for both Trauma and General Surgery. I have noticed many significant changes during that time. Over the course of the past few decades…

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  • Not on My Watch


    OK, I was sent a nice, likely canned, email asking if I’d point to [Kimberly-Clark Health Care’s Healthcare-Associated Infection website][1]. It seems to have a bunch of information. Remember to use your Kleenex™. [1]: http://haiwatchnews.com/

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  • Baby Steps to Healthcare Reform


    Since I’m sure all members of Congress will have the opportunity to read and comprehend the entirety of whatever is the current healthcare legislation the following small steps to improve the situation will be meaningless. I have 3 simple proposals that could fit on a single page. Heck, it fits in a single post. Eliminate…

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  • Nationalized Healthcare and the Free Market


    Nationalized/Universal healthcare will happen. Obama ran on it and he intends to deliver. What’s more, I can see a manner in which the country will flock to it under the current free market insurance system. First, the federal government will expand Medicaid to cover the unemployed and uninsured. Second, the Congress will pass some law…

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  • Appendiceal Duplication


    I had a very interesting case the other evening. First, for the uninitiated, it’s usually a bad sign when the surgeon says it was a very _interesting_ case. Generally routine is best. Anyway, nice 50ish year old female with few days of diffuse abdominal pain now localizing to RLQ. Nausea and vomiting. Anorexia. Acute peritoneal…

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  • General Surgery in NY


    So here I am in NYC at the American Society of General Surgeons clinical meeting. The program is correctly termed controversies as I’m quite certain many of the described treatment paths would cause you to fail your oral boards. Of note is that it seems that most of the attendees have been in practice for…

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