Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • Backup, backup, backup


    I’m usually not too bad with this, but… Who thinks to backup their MySQL databases? You better believe I do — *now*. I was having problems with a MySQL connection thing and I decided to reinstall the same version of MySQL. Well that didn’t exactly solve things so I decided to upgrade to the last…

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  • Ownership vs. Control


    What’s more important ownership or control? How is it possible to give someone nearly everything they want and they still want more? I do understand that the exception to this statement is a child – I have two. I’ve discussed [this][1] previously. I’m more than willing to upload any files to the server or to…

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  • Links from 03-24-2006


    * [Aggravated DocSurg](http://docsurg.blogspot.com/2006/03/dilemmas-dilemmas.html): “Dilemmas, dilemmas” Work hour restrictions for residents have created a conundrum for everyone involved. Some educators worry that the resi… * [MacSlash](http://macslash.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/24/1157244): “Happy 5th, OS X!” When I checked out my calendar this morning, I went “March 24th, hmmm… bells are ringing. What’s up with today?” Oh ye… * [BBC News |…

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  • Links from 03-22-2006


    * [Riding Rails](http://weblog.rubyonrails.com/articles/2006/03/22/rails-1-1-release-candidate-1-available): “Rails 1.1: Release Candidate 1 available” It’s been roughly three months since the release of the big one-oh That’s obviously an eternity in Rails time so… * [The Unofficial Apple Weblog](http://www.tuaw.com/2006/03/22/run-windows-on-your-intel-mac-in-os-x/): “Run Windows on your Intel Mac in OS X” Filed under Software Universal BinarySure you could dual boot Windows and OS…

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  • Links from 03-21-2006


    * [BBC News | World | UK Edition](http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/business/4831374.stm): “New Windows release delayed” Microsoft plans to delay the consumer launch of its new Vista operating system until January 2007… * [code: theWebSocket;](http://ahawkins.org/2006/03/21/ready-to-take-my-toys-and-go-home/): “Ready to pick up and go” Today somebody blew the whistle on the work wiki and I spent an overlarge part of my day…

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  • Praise for Quick Links Script


    I guess there are more than 3 people who actually read the drivel that makes it up here. I just got a note from a reader who found the [Quick Links][1] script useful. > Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! > I was just about to have to write something like this to keep up…

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