So here I am being a sponsor for @WordCampSD. I received an email asking for a logo. Oops. I don’t really have one. I was asked for a company name and the only company I belong to is Desert Trauma Surgeons. I’m not a partner so I can’t really use their logo.
That’s when I decided it was time to get a logo for GitHub Updater. Since I’ve never really done this before I put out an issue on the GitHub repo and tweeted.
An enterprising graphics company sent me note via my contact page and we’re starting to get to it. He sent off a couple of concepts and while some were good it led me to think a bit more about what I thought would be representative of GitHub Updater.
A quick sketch in Paper and I think we’re off and running.
Here’s my sketch and we’ll see where we get to from here. Can’t wait.

I did contact Bourn Creative and unfortunately we aren’t able to work together on this project. But they are awesome and Jennifer was great.
I am currently working with Mark at LogoMajestic who has been very professional and prompt. Another post for the unveiling.