Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • Git Remote Updater, the Personal Remote Management System


    The need or desire to use a personal remote management service makes a few assumptions. Any references to GitHub Updater are now to Git Updater. Git Updater allows for updating of plugins and themes that are developed outside of the official WordPress repository. Often these projects reside in GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab. Updating these repositories…

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  • Bringing WordPress Core to PHP 5.6 and Beyond


    In the 2018 State of the Word, Matt told us the plan was to move the minimum PHP version for WordPress Core to 5.6 in April 2019 and to PHP 7 in December 2019. I won’t discuss the irony of WordPress 5.2 being the update that kills support for PHP 5.2, but the coincidence is…

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  • WordCamp LAX 2015


    I’ll have to spiff this up a bit later, but here are my slides from my talk @WordCampLAX 2015. And you can watch me on @WordPressTV

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