Dr Fragen in the operating room

JAMA article on CPOE



JAMA — Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in Facilitating Medication Errors, March 9, 2005, Koppel et al. 293 (10): 1197
>>**Context:** Hospital computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems are widely regarded as the **technical solution to medication ordering errors, the largest identified source of preventable hospital medical error.** Published studies report that CPOE reduces medication errors up to 81%. Few researchers, however, have focused on the existence or types of medication errors facilitated by CPOE.
>>**Results:** We found that a widely used **_CPOE system facilitated 22 types of medication error risks_**.
>I’m told that our parent organization has already paid an astounding sum to buy an integrated, hospital-wide EMR, which would include CPOE. (Here comes 2 more weeks of EMR ads on Google again. Oh, well). They’re rolling it out in one of the smaller hospitals in the chain, with the intent to ‘work out the bugs’ there, but I’m a big believer in bugs being everywhere.
This makes me wonder whether I’m one of the smaller hospitals in the chain. I was just asked to be the *physician liason* to the committee responsible for implementing the new [Cerner Millennium][1] system. My job is essentially to _sell_ it to the docs.
Essentially I want to make sure that it will be able to give the docs what they need, and hopefully what they want. The two things might not necessarily be the same thing. I will ensure one thing — the access outside the hospital will be platform agnostic.
BTW, the chain here is [Tenet][2].
[1]: http://www.cerner.com/public/CernerMillennium.asp?id=133
[2]: http://www.tenethealth.com/TenetHealth