[Matt’s][1] done a great job with [Squib][] but I’ve been Jonesing for far too long about editing and writing posts using either [TextMate][tm] or [MarsEdit][me]. One of the few things holding me back was getting PHP and MySQL running on my friend’s IIS server.
Well, that little detail is fixed and as soon as I can get [phpMyAdmin][2] working on the server I’m going to be off and running. Squib’s been very good to me. It’s been a great learning experience for Ruby and RoR. Working with Matt’s been great. He’s very responsive and exceedingly helpful in my stumblings. He’s only one man and I hope he gets Squib to where he wants it to be. I will follow his progress eagerly.
Fortunately Matt was gracious enough to work with me in creating an [export script for Squib, export2rss.rb][3] — which works perfectly and imports perfectly to [WordPress][wp].
[1]: http://matt.blogs.it/
[2]: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/
[3]: https://thefragens.com/pub/
[squib]: http://squib.rubyforge.org/
[tm]: http://www.macromates.com/
[me]: http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/
[wp]: http://www.wordpress.org/
Exporting and importing