I’ve been having problems with Airport Base Stations recently. I have 3, 2 work fine. Never a problem. One stopped working and a call to Apple Tech Support had a new/refurbished one to me within 3 days. Impressive.
Except the new/refurbished ABS is experiencing similar problems as the original. Every once in while after so many hours I would loose my net connection and my ability to contact my ABS. I would still have a solid connection, at least 4 bars, but no net connection and no ability to contact the ABS via Airport Admin Utility. The only thing that worked was a power on/off by unplugging and plugging in the ABS.
Well, another call to Apple. I went through their troubleshooting stuff and if, I mean when, it happens again I think I’ll get my third ABS. I can say this the guys at Apple Tech Support are good and they do stand by their products.