Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • Bringing WordPress Core to PHP 5.6 and Beyond


    In the 2018 State of the Word, Matt told us the plan was to move the minimum PHP version for WordPress Core to 5.6 in April 2019 and to PHP 7 in December 2019. I won’t discuss the irony of WordPress 5.2 being the update that kills support for PHP 5.2, but the coincidence is…

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  • Translations Updater and Easy Digital Downloads


    My Translations Updater Composer library also works for any plugins or themes that are using EDD Software Licensing. I have recently written about the basic purpose and function of the Translations Updater library. EDD Software Licensing Integration As of EDD Software Licensing v3.6, there are a couple of action hooks in the plugin/theme updater samples…

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  • Translations Updater


    As part of the GitHub Updater I introduced a process for independent language pack updating. The normal process is to include translation files, as part of your plugins, in a /languages directory inside of your plugin and load them via load_plugin_textdomain(). This also works for themes. Decoupled Language Packs If your plugin is in the…

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  • Install a Zipfile with GitHub Updater


    If you maintain your codebase on GitHub, or another git host, the standard download of your repository from within GitHub is an automatically generated zipfile created from your repository. GitHub Updater uses this generated zipfile when it updates or installs a repository from GitHub. Build Processes Sometimes your project may require build tools such as…

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  • WordPress Debugging


    It is inevitable. At some point when running a WordPress site you will have a conflict, an error, or worst case – a PHP Fatal leading to a WSOD (White Screen of Death). My goal is to provide the means with which you should be able to view and hopefully understand, to some degree, the…

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  • GitHub Updater and Gitea


    Gitea is the new kid on the block for creating a self-hosted git server. Gitea is written in Go and is highly performant with very low overhead. In fact, Gitea is so efficient you can run it on a Raspberry Pi. There’s another post coming about that. 😉 As with most integrations of new git…

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