Dr Fragen in the operating room

New Themes


OK, for the curious look at “Change Style” section of the nav bar. The only difference is the external CSS stylesheet.
This site’s theme is called “CSS external“, catchy huh. It contains all the external stylesheets as well. Apologies to Bryan Bell for ripping off Moveable Radio:blue.
To install these themes unzip the files and drop the .fttb file into your Themes folder. Drop the css folder into your www folder. Select the new theme from and tell me what you think. If you already have a www:css folder then just copy the stylesheet into your current css folder.
Update: Just look in the sidebar of this page and you will see a link to change the stylesheet. I did make a change to the radio.macros.linkToStyleSheet macro to have this work. You’ll need to install my change to have this work. UserLand may create an update similar to this in due time.