Dr Fragen in the operating room
  • What's possible


    Ruby on Rails is amazing. Or more appropriately what is achievable is amazing. Check out [fluxiom][1]. It’s jaw dropping. >Fluxiom is a pure HTML/CSS/JavaScript browser-based application that doesn’t require any plug-ins (like Flash). As a back-end it uses the [Ruby on Rails web development framework][2], combined with many open-source tools. It’s what makes [Squib][3] so…

  • VoodooPad as CMS


    When I was looking for a CMS to use for building and maintaining a static, or nearly static, [business site][1]; I looked in many directions. I played around with [Blosxom][2]. It has some very nice features. Chief among them is that Blosxom uses the computer’s file system architecture as its CMS. Blosxom runs as a…

  • rev 188


    Grab the latest. Make sure you update Rails to 1.0 and update the javascripts. The new live preview is very cool. Matt’s done an awesome job.

  • Squib Admin Themes


    With [Matt][]’s able assistance I’ve gotten the admin themes working. And working as they should be. For each new theme, I’ve added a new stylesheet that only edits the colors. This is selectable in admin/config/editorial. The change is persistent, as with any user configurable option. [matt]: http://matt.blogs.it

  • Squib::FTP


    Well, FTP upstreaming almost works. Go [here][1] and see the results. There are also other problems but they should get fixed. **Update:** FTP now seems to be working. A problem with the .dir_info file, I think. [1]:https://thefragens.com/squib/

  • Squib updates


    Matt’s been busy fixing bugs and adding some new features. Unfortunately one of his additions has [caused me some problems][1] so I had to disable it. I think I found the fix for this [bug][2]. A simple fix. I’ve been removing the vestiges of the automatic CSS produced by the scaffolded pages. Once I get…