Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • chroot'd SFTP on Mac OS X server


    So here you are finding that you need to grant someone else SFTP access to your server. There are lots of reasons to do this, in my case it’s because I needed to grant access to someone’s web designer. We initially worked it out by him emailing me files and me SFTP’ing them up to…

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  • Fail2ban Problems and Solutions


    If you use Fail2ban then you are probably aware of the fact that you must add a rule number to the ipfw deny rule for actionban in ipfw.conf. If you don’t add a rule number then there is no way for fail2ban to delete the rule after it expires. The problem lies in that you…

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  • Checking Fail2ban regex


    I’ve just stumbled across a great command in Fail2ban to check whether or not your filter will actually score a hit from your log file. From the command line. [code lang=bash] $ fail2ban-regex /path/to/logfile /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/myfilter.conf regex_to_ignore [/code] As an example. [code lang=bash] $ fail2ban-regex /var/log/secure.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/sshd.conf (myusername|myIPaddress) [/code] This seems like a great way to…

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  • Server-Side Email Filtering With Sieve


    Another post for the peripheral brain. When I first set up my own server lo these years ago, I never really thought about email message filtering. After all, I had rules in Mail.app that would send my incoming message to wherever I wanted them. Besides, I was much more concerned with eliminating spam. Well, that…

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  • Poof it's Gone


    OK, I’m only really posting this cause I need it and I just want to put it somewhere to remember it. 😉 To make a file or folder invisible issue the following from the CLI. [applescript] SetFile -a V path/to/fileOrFolder [/applescript] To make it visible again… [applescript] SetFile -a v path/to/fileOrFolder [/applescript] That’s it. This…

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  • Don’t Send iCal Replies


    I came across a great hint in Mac OS X Hints today. It seems that there’s an easy way to interrupt the process of sending an email reply when accepting iCal invites. As I tend to play around with iCal invites a lot (adding and deleting the same event ad nauseum) — I love this.…

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