Dr Fragen in the operating room


  • Git Remote Updater, the Personal Remote Management System


    The need or desire to use a personal remote management service makes a few assumptions. Any references to GitHub Updater are now to Git Updater. Git Updater allows for updating of plugins and themes that are developed outside of the official WordPress repository. Often these projects reside in GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab. Updating these repositories…

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  • WP Core Development with Local Lightning


    Firstly, this is only meant as a how I do it. I’m using MacOS. core.git.wordpress.org It is based on using git://core.git.wordpress.org/. This would be similar to WP core development on a regular install using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin set for bleeding edge nightlies. Create symlink of wp-config.php into /public The following can be used…

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  • WordPress Debugging


    It is inevitable. At some point when running a WordPress site you will have a conflict, an error, or worst case – a PHP Fatal leading to a WSOD (White Screen of Death). My goal is to provide the means with which you should be able to view and hopefully understand, to some degree, the…

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  • The Events Calendar Category Colors Plugin


    It’s been a wild couple of days figuring this one out. Special thanks to Jonah West for all the help and encouragement. This plugin seeks to greatly simplify the ability to create background colors for your categories in the month view when using The Events Calendar plugin. It requires The Events Calendar v2.0.5 or greater.…

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  • Add Alarm to Events Calendar PRO


    Thanks to Joey Kudish and Jonah at Modern Tribe, Inc., I’ve converted my original hacked together code to add an alarm to a calendar event created using the Events Calendar PRO WordPress plugin into a plugin of my own. You can see/follow the original discussion on the Modern Tribe forum. This plugin requires the Events…

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