Dr Fragen in the operating room

The joys of being a surgeon


Sunday, the day of rest. Yeah — right. It was the last day of my week on call for the ER. I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am. I managed to do 4 operations and finish the day by 5:00 pm. I probably could have been done sooner but other people wanted to use the OR as well. It kind of works on a first come first served basis on weekends.
I think on the whole I would much rather have spent the day with my family. My brother, sister and sister-in-law were in town with their respective kids — I didn’t get to say good-bye. Hopefully I’ll get to see them all soon.
It even would have been nice to be able to spend the day with my wife and my own 2 kids. Well, at least I get to do that now.