Dr Fragen in the operating room

VoodooPad Web Export Goodness


As laziness is the mother of invention, or something like that. 😉
I’ve created an AppleScript for [VoodooPad][1]. What it does is allow you to select a specific Web Export Plugin and it will show the package contents of that particular plugin. This is only and especially useful if you develop, tweak or otherwise modify any Web Export Plugin.
property webExportPlug: “VoodooPad:Web Export Plugins:”
set theFolder to (path to application support from user domain as text) & webExportPlug
tell application “Finder”
set thePackage to (choose file default location (theFolder as alias) without invisibles)
set thePackage to (thePackage as text) & “Contents:”
open folder (thePackage as alias)
end tell
Copy this and paste it into a new AppleScript. Enjoy.
[1]: http://flyingmeat.com/voodoopad/