Dr Fragen in the operating room



I got an interesting email from PT Lee about a new website he and his partner have started — [WhoIsSick.org][1]. Mr. Lee as if I would consider blogging about it. I took a quick look at the site and it’s an interesting concept.
It seems that while Mr. Lee was on vacation his wife became ill. They spent a number of hours in a local ED during the wee hours of the morning only to be told, after an exam, that it was likely the *stomach flu* that was *going around.*
Mr. Lee has put together this site as an amalgamation of [craigslist][2] and [HousingMaps][3].
> Who Is Sick was started in 2006 with a mission to provide current and local sickness information to the public – without the hassle of dealing with hospitals or doctors. With a strong belief in the power of people and a faith that user generated content can be extremely valuable, our team set out to create an entirely new system for tracking and monitoring sickness information.
So check it out.
[1]: http://www.whoissick.org
[2]: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/
[3]: http://www.housingmaps.com/