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Fail2ban Problems and Solutions


If you use Fail2ban then you are probably aware of the fact that you must add a rule number to the ipfw deny rule for actionban in ipfw.conf. If you don’t add a rule number then there is no way for fail2ban to delete the rule after it expires. The problem lies in that you can easily set a different rule number for each filter but if the filter adds many rules within it’s ban time then when that first actionunban gets triggered all rules with the same number are removed, even if there full ban time has not transpired.
I was looking for an elegant solution to this and finally figured out how to do it myself. What I’ve done is in the ipfw.conf file I’ve added a variable that will create a random number between 10000 and 12000 to use as the rule number.
The code is pretty simple.

echo $((RANDOM%2000+10000))

There needs to be an extra % in there for it to work. I think it has something to do with python. So far it seems to be working pretty good here. While it is possible that I could get a duplicate rule number, it’s unlikely.
I’ve modified my installation of Fail2ban significantly; but only by adding filters, jails, etc. Here’s a bundled version of all of my modifications. Here are instructions for using my modifications. So far everything seems to be working great. I’ve had to add a few items to ignoreregex so I don’t ban people using their iPhones on 3G or at home from certain dynamic IP cable providers.
What I’ve done is a host lookup on the IP that’s banned and if I find it’s a local ISP, like Verizon or Time Warner Cable, I add part of their host lookup to the ignoreregex list. So far it seems to be doing the trick.


One response to “Fail2ban Problems and Solutions”

  1. Andy Fragen Avatar
    Andy Fragen

    Make sure the launchd files have root:wheel user:group permissions.