Dr Fragen in the operating room
  • Markdown in UserTalk


    Well, Marc Barrot has done it. He’s converted [Markdown][1].pl to UserTalk. Now the process of cleaning up the tool begins. Yeah debugging. Stay tuned. [1]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

  • Pages – First Impressions


    [Pages][1] is part of [Apple][2]’s new [iWork][3] software package. It’s not meant to be a [Word][4] killer, but it’s close. Apples hits the 80:20 rule on the nose. Make 80% of the users happy with a simple to use application and let the other 20% have the power features but at a little more difficulty.…

  • activeRenderer update


    Marc Barrot has introduced 3 new callbacks in `activeRendererSuite.activeRenderer` for [activeRenderer][aR] v2.4.6. The callbacks are `preProcess` (which is equivalent to my prior posting at the `if ol` line), `postProcess` (which occurs just before the final `return`), and `processNode` (which is inside of the `getText` routine). I’ve re-written the [Markdown][1] callbacks so that they now work…

  • Markdown and activeRenderer update


    Here’s the situation. Marc Barrot and I are trying to figure out the best, fastest implementation of [Markdown][1] into [aR][]. Marc is considering some sort of pre-processing/post-processing thing. If Markdown rendering in aR occurs in the `getText` handler only inline markup is rendered. If I make the Markdown rendering occur just inside the `if ol`…

  • Markdown.root update


    For both of you using my Markdown tool, it’s time to Refresh Code. I discovered that backticks, inline code block delimiters, needed to be escaped in UserTalk. There are probably other characters that are Markdown delimiters that need to be escaped in UserTalk to make the conversion over but I don’t know all of them.…

  • Am I online?


    I found the quickest and simplest method of determining if you have any active network connection by using `ifconfig -u | grep ‘ active’ | awk ‘{print $4}’` command from the Terminal. If you have an active connection it will return `active`. This is the command I use to check for net connections on my…