Dr Fragen in the operating room
  • Expert Witness


    [NEUROSURGEONS ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE EXPERTS][1] > Well, neurosurgeons have decided to put a stop on suits against neurosurgeons. How? The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) has decided that any expert who testifies against one of its members should have their testimony subjected to review by their organization. Personally, I think this is less about…

  • AMA adopts principles for health courts


    > The [American Medical Association (AMA) today adopted new principles for health courts][1], special medical courts composed of judges trained in medical standards that could render more accurate decisions on whether or not medical malpractice has actually occurred. This is probably a very good thing for doctors and a bad thing for lawyers. Personally, in…

  • Links for 2007-06-08


    * [TheHill.com – The cure to the physician crisis](http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/the-cure-to-the-physician-crisis-2007-06-06.html) The first principle of sensible physician workforce reform will require Congress to immediately halt any cuts in Medicare physician reimbursement. Allowing these scheduled cuts to go into effect would create a chain reaction in the medical community and diminish the quantity and quality of healthcare available…

  • Medical Blogging


    It seems of late there have been a number of medical bloggers that have been taken offline. Some of these apparently have been forced at the direction of their superiors while others seem to be self-imposed. Whatever the reasons the internet is a vast space and with enough time, effort and will everyone will discover…

  • Exporting and importing


    [Matt’s][1] done a great job with [Squib][] but I’ve been Jonesing for far too long about editing and writing posts using either [TextMate][tm] or [MarsEdit][me]. One of the few things holding me back was getting PHP and MySQL running on my friend’s IIS server. Well, that little detail is fixed and as soon as I…

  • Fixing MySQL and phpMyAdmin


    There seems to be a problem with how current versions of OS X store the mysql socket and how [phpMyAdmin][1] looks for it. It seems currently the socket is stored at `/tmp/mysql.sock` but phpMyAdmin is looking for it at `/var/mysql/mysql.sock`. The result is a connection error type #2002. After a lot of Googling here’s the…